August 19, 2014 – Mark Driscoll

Hahahahaha. Thank you for the laugh to whoever reported my last post as suicidal! Lessons to be learned: 1) A person should reach out to an individual if they think there is a problem, because reporting it to facebook isn’t going to help at all. I actually did appreciate everyone reaching out to me when they thought I was having a problem. Truth be told, I was having a very serious problem and had been having suicidal ideation throughout the day. That’s very different from having a suicide plan, though, and it is a side effect of most common antidepressants. Sad, but true. 2) facebook: If someone is suicidal and posting a goodbye message via social networking, they are not going to revisit the site in order to take advantage of your automated system providing them with the number of the Suicide Prevention Hotline. A more effective solution would be to use VOIP to call the hotline for them, provide the counselor with an automated message stating that there has been concern reported by a friend via facebook, and then connect them to the phone number on file in their facebook account. (Of course, Mike Higginbotham would abuse this service the same way he had free paternity tests sent to the douchebags on CUA’s student government.) 3) If I were going to kill myself after posting a note on facebook, I wouldn’t remain on Messenger for over an hour afterwards. I wouldn’t have my phone close to me. None of the tactics you’re trying would work. Even if your solution was to dispatch local PD to the traced IP address, I’d be dead before anyone got there. 4) If I were going to kill myself last night, my final post would have been “O captain, my captain.” Get with the times, facebook. This is a massive fail on the part of facebook.

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