September 2, 2014 – Mark Driscoll

Tonight’s Reflection: I remembered today that I don’t know everything. I can have the best instincts in the world, but I don’t know how others are being impacted and what they are faced with unless they decide to tell me. I can’t help anyone that doesn’t want to be helped. And sometimes when someone decides to walk out of your life, they are doing it to protect you instead of dragging you down with them. Here’s to hoping the best for everyone that I’ve ever cared about. Tonight’s Update: I start IOP tomorrow afternoon. I’m not really sure what to expect, but I know I have to keep moving forward. I am attending an aftercare meeting almost every night this week, as well as one on Saturday morning in an effort to better prepare myself for what the future holds. One might ask, what am I going to do for fun? The answer is a double observation at shock trauma on Friday evening through Saturday morning. Friday 1500 – Saturday 0700. Yeah, some might not find that to be too much fun, but I can’t wait. In short, I’m swamped with my schedule so that I don’t spend ALL of my time beating myself up during the IOP process. And now here’s to hoping that I care about myself enough to make it all work.

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